A confused genius

By Lez11

Course, day 4, last day

The course today was really good. We played a type of roll playing game on the computer where there is a scenario and it gives you several choices and you have to pick one. Each one you pick gives you another set of choices. Eventually you get your results on how well you did. Our team got 95 out of 100 which was unbelievable. Thank god it was my last day on the course though as it has done my nut in all week.

I walked down the canal to get home tonight when I got off the train and there was a group of school kids there who had been told there was a dead animal in the canal. When they got close to the thing in the canal they found out it was a huge log. They were all disapointed that it wasn't a dead animal.

Popped to asda tonight to pick a few things up and the heavens opened up (pic). Has it actually stopped raining this year. In asda I walked past a young couple (early 20's) who were pushing a baby and they both stunk of marijuana. I was disgusted.

My sister told me her fiancée broke his arm playing football last night. He has got to stay in hospital for a few days as they have put a plate in his arm.

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