Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


There had been a bit of rain overnight! Not so cold either. JR has been very good going to the gym every day (weekends off) but my biking regime has temporarily faltered...

I took Archie round the Meadows, with a stop off at Victor Hugo's cafe for a flat white for me and a biscuit for Arch. Paul Simon on the soundtrack - most pleasant.

Archie had a good run around and managed to get quite mucky, but he went straight into the shower when we got home. I make him walk, nudging him along, and he goes round all the edges of the hallway, then tries to sneak off into the kitchen, but eventually gives up and walks right into the shower. You'd think he was being tortured! A quick towel dry, then he snuggles up with me on the sofa, wrapped up in his blanket, to complete the drying process. He likes that better than the hairdryer.

JR popped off to order the Christmas food at M&S. What a terrific service that is! Rufus and his mum popped in to pick up some of his holiday stuff. Lots of 'popping' today. We used to have a Japanese student living with us - he came for a week and stayed three years - and he once asked, 'What is this popping?'

I got my old computer down and switched it on. After an age, a log in appeared. Password from three years ago? Luckily I had a correct stab, which means my password security isn’t as good as it should be.

But then the dreaded spinning beach ball. I left it, and came back to a blue screen and nothing happening. It has to go to the experts.

Here's Archie in one of his usual poses, waiting for something to happen, preferably walkies. It worked today!

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