(It's that meal again...)
A nearly neighbour helped me out of the logical impossibility that would have had me dropping CarbBoy off for his match at the same time I was collecting Mr B from the airport. So I took CarbBoy to this neighbour's house (CBs teammate is the same boy who threatened to kill him a few years ago. But everyone just seems to be glossing over that and, to my surprise, I am too.) and then hotfooted it to the airport to the tune of 1066 on the history podcasts.
Home then to lunch on all the cheese... save for a quick detour back to the shops when Mr B spotted that there was no coffee in the house (except, of course, for all the coffee that he won't drink). So I have repeated the rule that the person who uses the last of something has to tell me or it's definitely not my fault.
Lunch then (outdoors, of course) and an afternoon of baking for me. Mr B mostly slept off a busy week, and works party, on the sofa while the kids played PS4 around him at a whisper.
Later, a venison feast, then chocolate puffs for pudding and the (overlong, really) third Hobbit movie.
In rabbit news, Piper started pulling out Joey's fur as well last night, but today the hormones seem to have abated, so we may not be anticipating a Christmas miracle.
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