Help me
If you think Joey looks a bit desperate, you'd be right. Piper is going through another false pregnancy, and this time she means business. All day she has been cramming her mouth with hay (which causes her to choke) and tucking it in one of the cardboard boxes they have. When taking a break from that, she has been pulling great chunks of hair out of her tummy to 'line the nest'. It is all very disturbing. Particularly since she is swallowing a lot of the hair due to losing track between pulling it out and heading for the nest. I'm not convinced she's that smart...
Joey is, obviously, taking the brunt of her odd behaviour. I gave him many celery leaves (current top treat) to make him feel better. I think he has a long night ahead of him...
Meanwhile, another English law session with CheeseLady when, turns out, I remember more about the history of Equity than I ever consciously knew. We have struck a deal (since I won't accept money from friends) where we will swap law and cakes for French and cheese! The first instalment of the latter is already safely delivered, and I have already taken a step to one of my (three) new year resolutions for next year! (Learn French, like, properly.)
Later, much shopping, basketball taxiing, and pizza, and tomorrow is already looking logistically tricky.
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