the blink of an eye

By weedave

Mind over Matter

Today has been a rollercoaster, after a good sleep on the fold down bed in Ewans room on the ward ( see last two blips ) today was the day when he was to get un- plugged.. Ewan was both looking forward to and dreading this ... he would be free of his computer teather but (following not for the squeamish jump to next paragraph) this would entail them pulling stitches and unscrewing the sensor without any anesthtic ..if this was not bad enough they would then "Pull" previously inserted loose stitches tight .. now he had had this done before and it was (to use his words ) "F~&$%ng agony "
he steeled himself for the removal and was pleasantly suprised at the low level of pain involved.... I was really proud of his resolve and attitude...

then came the wait for the consultants.. they came a lot later and said that after reviewing his test results a further operation was needed ( I will not go into the details you will be glad to hear!).. but this is scheduled for Tomorrow !!!! big gulp !!!.. needless to say there was a sense of apprehension on all our parts at the haste that this was all happening ...we took a time out to decide and after much discussion it was decided to go ahead but on one condition.... that Ewan was allowed home tonight !!!!.... this shot was snapped on the way home
.... sorry I have not had a chance to comment on your recent pics but no wifi in hospital.. will try catch up ..prob about Monday as will be back in hospital for another 3-4 days


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