
The wind has been the killer today ........ not particularly strong but my goodness it had the capability to cut you in half.

After the nightmare of trying to lay my hands on a bus pass application yesterday handing it in was a breeze - mainly because it was to the library and I didn't have to deal with the morons who I had the misfortune to have to deal with yesterday ....... she was polite, knew what she was doing and efficient - took all of about 1 minute to check everything and let me know what happens next (which is about a third of the time it took the two witches at the Civic Centre to even think about stopping their conversation).

At lunchtime I tried getting a shot of Squirrel but she spotted me and did her usual face pulling 1

While she was at her gymnastics we went nextdoor for a drink and a cake.
The girl there is great. It is only the third time I have been there but she remembered which drinks the three of us have - and which cakes we have each had in the past! (different ones for each of us on each occation).
While SWMBO went to collect Squirrel, The Cygnet and I went to get the car warmed up. I like the colour contrasts between forwards and backwards.

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