
A bit of blue - and even some warmth! I had to take my jacket off when walking the dog at lunchtime.
Not that you would believe it it was bright from the rubbish, dark pictures I took today.
My excuse is the small mushrooms and the tiny bracket fungus were tucked away in the darker spots of the wood. There is no excuse for the non artistic trees.
Even the straight shot is just plain boring.
But I did like the single bright leaf.

SWMBO has been in bed sleeping all day. The only thing she has eaten in 2 days is the bowl of porridge I got her to have this evening. But she seems to have managed to keep it down, so that is something.

With her being unwell it meant that I had the pleasure of the kids all by myself. Apart from them being wound up by the school over Christmas they were actually pretty well behaved.
Just as well!

Breakfast and get them to school.
Walk the dog.
A disastrous house at the lathe.
Collect Squirrel from school.
Take her home for lunch.
Walk the dog.
Take Squirrel back to school for a Nativity rehearsal.
Collect Squirrel and take her home.
Collect The Cygnet.
Supervise the drawing to prevent fights over which coloured pencil they each wanted.
Come home and feed SWMBO.

I am bushed!

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