More of the same (with nest)

Back over the hill to the house. Another ceiling to rip down. This time The Boss was with me. We chucked a lot of stuff out a bedroom window, which was fun. The high-baked 'tavelle' smashing with a satisfying smash on the concrete below. Later I took down more pine cladding to show the exposed the beam work and the big chestnut planks that stand between the rafter on which the roof tiles sit.

A long day but we wanted to get as muc ofthe internal dirty work done before the movers arrive tomorrow morning.

Behind one of the ceilings this huge wasps' nest emerged like some weird sci-fi Doctor Who-ish nightmare. Luckily it was abandoned a long time ago.

Later the drive back was a bit hairy in fog forming from the warmer air meeting the cold ground. At places it was almost impossible to see the road.  It was very variable and a headlight is out. Phew.

Frozen pizzas tonight from the little Co-op in Diaceto which is on the road back.

Last Saturday I stopped in there, both of us knackered. Filled a basket and then noticed the card reader wasn't working.

The guy behind the counter ,who has always been nice and a hoot, just said, 'I'll ring it through.' And then he put me in his credit book - me!

He knows me as 'Su e giu' (soo e jew) - the man who goes 'up and down' the pass. So trusting even though I went and found a cash machine and returned to pay him. I think he was quite surprised and a bit put out I hadn't taken more time about it.

Today he said I looked tired.

He was right.

Oh, and by the way. We thought we might have seen a wolf in the headlights' glare on the little used road up to Caiano. Fox size but very distinctive wolf colouring.

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