All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Darkest Goodbye

Don’t think any of us got a lot of sleep last night, Foreveryoung and I ended up chatting for ages innthe middle of the night cos we couldn’t sleep.

We tried to be productive today. Started phoning round utility companies, insurance companies to get things changed from Dads name to Mums. Very time consuming and going to take ages.

We had been warned that as it’s a sudden death, a post mortem may be required. Fortunately found out today the police are happy with what they’ve been given so it won’t be necessary after all. Managed to get appointment for tomorrow to register his death. Feel like we’re just muddling through.

Had grabbed a few books and put in my case yesterday when i left to come though, without looking to see what they were. Just noticed the title of one. Very apt.

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