The Colours of Autumn

Looking back on last October's blips I seem to have started blipping sunrises a bit earlier. As a consequence I suspect the coming Winter's blips are going to be littered with sunrises. I will make a collective apology now, but unless the weather is awful throughout, there are likely to be many more of them!

The good news is the sun is now rising behind Arran just before 8 o'clock, which means I don't have to sacrifice any sleep to get my blip. The bad new is when the clocks go back in a few weeks time I will have to get up earlier again!

This morning there were many more clouds about, which bode well for some decent colours and reflections. As the weeks progress towards the shortest day in December, the sunrise will move further south (right in the blip) until it rises off the southern tip of Arran. That's my favourite time as the year as the colours from the sun will reflect right up the river to where the water is usually still.

Another lovely morning to be out early and enjoy the peace and quite of a Waterfoot Sunrise.

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