
No, not her or her brother .... they were just themselves.
It was the evening that was colourful.

With it being SWMBO's and my anniversary (how she has put up with me for so many years I have no idea) we went through to Glasgow to see Phil Collins in concert And stayed in a hotel overlooking the venue.
I had about 20 minutes after booking in to go and get some coulourful pictures of what are now well known landmarks on and over the Clyde, although I must admit that I liked the closer shots bringing out some of the details that most people don't really see. 
I liked the way the person here shows up the scale of the building.

Before disappearing back into the hotel to meet SWMBO for a meal I had to get one last shot. It certainly is colourful.

When it came to the concert ........ WOW!
There was no form of security checks made on me (SWMBO had her - tiny - handbag checked). I could have taken in my big camera comlete with 200mm lens and they would have been none the wiser.
Mr Collins is unable to stand or play the drums these days so he sat on a chair at the front of the stage where he performed brilliantly..... with his son taking his place on the drums.
There was no dancing going on behind him - in fact there was remarkably little movement from anyone on stage but the whole place was bouncing! 
The energy was incredibe 
The film cameramen and crew did an amazing job with their work being projected onto a huge screen behind the band and the lighting team used harsh, direct lighting to great effect with the use of solid colour backgrounds rather than constantly changing flashing lighting. 
Not that there wasn't dramatic lighting at times - but it was used selectively as an integrated part of the show rather than 'just because they could'.

Back up in our room afterwards I took some shots of the lightshow that is The Hydro and The Armadillo before the lights got turned off.

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