Sunset, from the 22nd

Tonight's sunset at 4.44pm. I could tell it was going to be good from the glow through my small, frosted kitchen window so when I opened it I decided I should dash upstairs to take photos and it was well worth it. What made it extra nice was the rising of the moon on the other side of the building, and a bluey pink sky just below the moon. I've yet to work out how to upload these extra photos... 

And as I got back downstairs I heard the call to prayer, which was a little more ethereal tonight having seen the sun and the moon do their thing. It's a small, but important reminder that I live in an Islamic country; in Cairo there was a much greater sense of the religion than there is in this openly wealthy country. I have a mosque both at the front and rear of my building so often hear it, which I like. It's also an hour earlier, by the clock, than Cairo. Ever watchful of the time, I note this time difference for I must've become so accustomed to it, just in that short period in Cairo. The things we adapt to so easily and which make new homes, seem less new..

A good swimming training session today, and a poor attempt at study - restless.... Three days of study leave to go. 

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