Lady Sage Days

By LadySage

Some people have robins

I have this guy. Presume it's male, no idea really how to tell from a distance.

Just having a quiet day. My sister is going to visit on Tuesday, can't wait. Had a goodly sleep. Just remember coming round feeling like I had a lump in my throat and couldn't swallow but that passed off. Felt like I was coming up with symptoms even while asleep, talk about bad anxiety.

Have been calmer today. Just trying to get mum to drink more. It's a constant thing.
Looking forward to my favourite meal at the moment, chicken in white wine sauce and boiled rice and a bottle of Crabbe's Ginger Beer.

Hope this live in carer is going to be willing to do things. All I've heard so far is what she wants (3 hrs off each day) and what she won't do (no longer willing to use equipment). I may see another agency as a back up in case this lady lets me down. Don't mind the time off, just that it can't happen for the two days I go into hospital and come out again.

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