
I think I must be fighting something, I feel so under the weather at the moment! Yuk.
I saw Jud this morning which was fab...she helped me deal with a slightly grumpy & tired baby...she also stayed for lunch and entertained Asha (made a cardboard nativity scene) whilst I fed Nate to sleep.
I've made another batch of yesterday's shower melts, and tried one this morning - I was really pleased with it! Simple and effective!

Drama of the day:
Feeling yuk and pretty chilly!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A friend dropping by early on, and giving us a bag of her daughters old toys for Nate...
2) Jud!
3) Hearing about Danny's evening in Sa Penya last is such an honour knowing the Roma folk. We've been invited to the big Christmas Feast on christmas eve (the main celebration day here). What an honour!!

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