Abstract Thursday - Kobayashi Maru

The theme of Abstract Thursday is "Painterly", so I've taken a palette knife to the little drama unfolding in the village today. Kobayashi Maru, many of you g33ky folk will recognise, is the name of the test given to Star Fleet cadets toward the end of their training - an impossible scenario with no good outcomes that seeks to reveal the character of the person facing the decision.

The driver of this HGV was placed into such a scenario, as he relied on his sat nav to lead him to a fuel station. Many an HGV uses the village garage, but today inappropriately parked vehicles at the egress have meant the driver could neither drive out to the left nor the right, nor reverse because of incoming vehicles. He's doing his best to avoid damaging personal property, but he's dead stuck! 

The police and the electricity board are on site (that's a local substation fence he's remodelled), and they're trying to find the owner of the BMW that's parked on the edge of the garage bellmouth. The driver's convinced he's just lost his job right before Yule, and as Chairman of the PC I've written to the company to ask that his situation is reviewed in the light of his polite and honest attitude. Who knows, it might help.


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