
By Appreciation

When the morning looks as gorgeous as this there is nothing else that is more urgent than getting out there and walking in the cold crisp light. I love autumn mornings, cold enough to wrap up in a decent jacket, yet still bright enough to need sunglasses.

I have a cold just now and a walk was perfect for clearing away the stuffiness in my head. I felt so much better for it.

Back home and I was questioned as to my knowledge of royal mail postal costs. I'm going to make it my 'Mastermind' specialist subject. ' Royal Mail Postage costs from December 2011 to November 2012 please John'.

My man, who is new to working from home, thought that a stamp was a stamp regardless of the size or weight of the envelope. Now he constantly asks, whilst holding up a letter in front of me;
'How much will this cost? Can I not just put a 1st class stamp on it?'
He is testing my extensive knowledge thoroughly as I don't even get to hold the envelope to assess the weight. Rather than take me out for coffee of a morning, he now invites me to walk to the post office with him. Such a romantic.

I managed a swing past the allotment on the way home to pick up some beetroot and red cabbage. Due to the lack of plums and cooking apples I have decided to pickle this autumn instead of make chutney. I could reel off weights and prices as I chop mindlessly, or I could just remember the wonderful views and heat from the sun as it hit my back. Autumn, I'm lovin' it!

edit: oh, and I will be re-using my jam and chutney jars!

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