
As the building work at the end of our passage way gets fully underway, I was still worried that they might still try and dupe us re their plans for the ground floor. The original plans they showed to us included a garage for one car with ingress and egress from within our passage way. We insisted that this be deleted as their tall building of five stories was only permitted because it fronts onto the broad main street. If they had chosen to front onto our passageway the building would have been restricted to two floors (like ours). Their original plan was an attempt to have their cake and eat it but in me they met a 'Great British Bake Off' judge that gave no quarter. So, they agreed to amend it to a twin-bed bedroom (see bottom left of plan) and sent me a copy of the plan. But with the annual meeting of the neighbours looming I felt the need to lay eyes on the actual approved plan in the hands of the local authority - the one they will check the real build against. God bless the young man who owns the fingers in shot. He broke every rule in the book to secretly deliver the lodged plan to the front desk and press it down for the photo. Normally, the process of consultation would have taken three visits over two weeks . . . with no photos allowed! It may have helped that I had pointed out a year long delay in respect of another request for information that we have underway with his office in respect of obtaining permission to gate the street! He's promised a reply on that one within a week! Ever onwards!

Here's the lay of the real land....the garage/twin bedroom would've/will occupy the area left of frame bordered by the yellow wal and inner edge of the pavement.

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