The Loveable Pest

My Dear Fellows and Dear Princess Normal,

Jasper is a pest. He is very demanding. He strides around the place shouting if he is not getting enough attention. I have to wear an iPod when I'm trying to make dinner because he is INCESSANT. And when I'm on the phone people ask, "Is that a baby crying?"

"No," I have to admit. "It's my cat. He's mad at you because you have taken my attention away from HIM."

Here he is holding onto my hand. He wouldn't give it back. He was annoyed at me for looking at the laptop and grabbed it. Then he held onto it, buried his nose in my palm and fell asleep. I had to finish off the online shopping with one hand.

Jasper is a pest. He's demanding, annoying and noisy. But I love him to pieces and I wouldn't have him any other way.


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