The Man Who Turned Into A Potato
My Dear Fellows and Dear Princess,
I went for a long walk at lunchtime. I didn't mean to. I was actually only going to the dry cleaner. Which is right next door to the office. But then I saw what a lovely day it was and couldn't resist.
This time 3 months ago, my idea of a good walk was if I caught sight of a bunny by the railway tracks at the Gyle. It really was the most miserable location, and it took me at least 45 minutes to get there every morning.
This occurred to me as I walked around downtown Wellington today. I then considered getting a Starbucks coffee just to annoy everyone at work. But no, I was in too good a mood.
The puhutukawa is in bloom right now. This is exciting because tui birds go mental for it. I could hear them having a tui party above my head when I was out and about. I took a quick video of it. This is the noise I wake up to every morning.
Well, that and Er Indoors weeing if she was on the coffee the night before.
Afterward, I stopped off at Countdown to get some spuds. And as I looked in the bucket I realised that you could describe me and these potatoes in exactly the same way.
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