
Rydw i wedi bod yn ceisio colli pwysau ers y llynedd ac ers hynny fy mhwys wedi mynd i lawr o nawdeg kilo  i wythdeg. Hoffwn i fod saith deg pum kilo ar ryw adeg., ond mae'n anodd nawr i golli pwys. Mae fy nghanol wedi bod yn sybachu hefyd ac mae e wedi mynd i lawr o dri deg ac wyth modfedd dri deg a phedwar.  Nawr mae fy sialens i ffitio i mewn trowsus gyda chanol tri deg a dwy fodfedd. Ymlaen ac i lawr!

I've been trying to lose weight since last year and since then my weight has gone down from 90 kilos to 80. I'd like to be 75 kilos at some point, but it's now difficult to lose weight. My waist has also been shrinking and it has dropped from 38 inches to 34. Now my challenge is to fit in trousers with a 32 inch waist. Onwards and downwards!

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