Poppy Lane

The B Team today and the weather forecast was wonderfully wrong.
We didn’t have an early white Christmas and it was seriously hot.
I don’t really like it too hot but The Boss let me have a dunk in the Clutha river…Firmly attached to my lead….which was really nice and we had the air con blasting in my face all the way home. 
OH and we found a newish cafe had popped a large tent up offering shelter to over heated travellers and dogs. No dog dish tho…- points.
This is me heading for the shade and the extra is a non colour compliant California poppy. 
Back home I am frankly kn…quite tired and The Boss had to have a serious talk to himself to cook tea rather than make a sandwich. Yes The Bossess is elsewhere.

Regarding the Towering Cumulous from yesterday you may be surprised to hear that the main road to Dunedin was closed by flooding at Roxburgh  yesterday. These big clouds have seriious intent it seems.


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