Birthday Cake

Sunday 26th November 2017 (1919)

It was our parish lunch today and thankfully it was a hot meal. There are only so many buffets you can eat in one weekend! 

We got home about 3.30pm and started preparing for the final party. I had some friends from my previous church over this evening for a buffet and catch up. It was lovely to see them. 

I am so overwhelmed by the generosity of people this weekend. I have been well and truly spoilt. I have 102 cards and lots of pressies. I can't believe how many different "50" cards there are! 

This was the cake made for the party on Friday. The person who made it made two, one to eat on Friday and this one for me to take away. We finally cut into it today, a beautiful, moist lemon sponge. I just need to find a few more to share it with. 

The celebrations are mainly over now but my birthday extends until Wednesday when there is a treat in store. Watch this space! 

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