Lady Sage Days

By LadySage

Topsy Turvy world

Had a fairly good sleep again. Bit panicky by morning as I'm already living through what I need to do tomorrow. I know it's wrong. A friend used to say I had no patience. I now realise this is due to my anxiety. I need to jump on everything to get it sorted so that it's not going to continue nagging away at me.
This morning I was in need of a replacement toilet seat and my neighbour is going to see to that for me tomorrow.
This afternoon my other neighbour told me the manhole cover was bubbling over with water pouring down the path to the road. Should have taken a blip of it but didn't seem the right thing to do.
It was warm water and a bit frothy but running clear.
We both reported it and got the same reply that it will be dealt with within two days.
Apparently the only thing with a higher priority is if it starts leaking within the home.
They've said they can come out and see to it without accessing the house so I hope it's soon.

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