Moving on

It continued to pour down during the night. The electricity and water were off. We moved on today - the river is really high and we are on a low spit of land between the river and the sea - it won’t last long with climate change. All our clothes are damp - even the ones we’ve not been wearing. I hope my camera survives as the case is also damp. The whole lodge area is soaking - the grass is a pond, and the walkways are under inches of water. Fortunately it is quite warm, so it doesn’t matter that our feet get wet every time we venture outside. Skin dries easily.

The river journey back to the pier/end of the road was quite tricky for the boatman as many trees and debris were floating down the river which was several feet higher than when we arrived. He did well but we arrived to find no bus waiting as there had been a road block due to an accident. This meant we’d arrive in La Fortuna in the dark. However the guide found time to stop at a banana plantation where he explained the production process. We stopped for lunch at the butterfly place where I took the blip.

La Fortuna is a very touristy place being at the foot of Arinal volcano - this apparently has a perfect cone shape but is in raincloud today. Maybe tomorrow!

I’m sorry I can’t keep up with your journals but time and WiFi are limited.

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