The Birds

I had an unplanned visit to the doctors this morning, nothing to worry about, but my dressing had started to come off, so I pulled it off and it left  steristrips covering the scar.  The only problem was, some of the thread from the stitches was sticking out and I was worried about catching it, so I phoned the doctors and they said to pop down and the nurse would re-dress it for me.  I was in and out in 5 minutes, she removed the steristrips to check the wound which has healed really well, but because of the thread she put a big plaster on which will protect it until I go to the hospital on Tuesday.

At lunch time I caught the bus into town as I was meeting Chrissy and Jan for lunch at Jamie's, but I also wanted to pop into Apple.  You may remember I had a problem a couple of weeks ago where they refused to give me a refund on the phone case that had discoloured - well I emailed their customer services to complain and they finally agreed to exchange it or give me a refund.

We had a great lunch, with the added benefit of a free bottle of wine thanks to Jamie's Gold Club, and  had a good catch up. Before we knew it, it was 3.45pm, so we walked down to the beach to watch the sunset/murmuration, and tonight I've decided to blip a close up of the birds.

While I was out, I was contacted by The Argus, our local newspaper asking if they can publish my photos of Rampion in Monday's newspaper, so that's exciting!

Anyway, it's Friday - hope you have a good weekend!

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