Tintern'd out nice again...

T'was too lovely a day not to get Morrigan out for what might be the last time this year (though I hope not!). The Sun was of course low in the sky, making some of the roads a little interesting, or to put it into biker vernacular, blindingly invisible. Nonetheless, replete with heated gloves and a wooly jumper off we went into the Wye Valley.

Later, it was compost turning time. We keep five compost bins on the go and, it being heavy and boring work, it was given to me to turn them out. The lovely black loamy compost was taken off by Janet to top off the veg and flower beds, and the nearly good stuff went into bin one, with the not so advanced stuff into bins two and three. Plenty of space for more, now. Millions of wriggly red worms have been randomly rehomed, and not a few slow worms woken and carefully put back to bed.

The extra shows our friendly robin, who came over to see if any of the worms were palatable. Apparently an awful lot of them were...

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