Lady Sage Days

By LadySage

Hoping for some sleep

So anxious last night hardly had any sleep at all. Worried about the wording in a copy of a letter from the consultant to my GP only to find today that the letters are running late but looking like they're on time so some things said don't make sense.

Had district nurse here this morning, all fine. Social worker phoned to say I can go ahead and book the live in care for two weeks from some money sitting in a bank from them which we'd not touched for years.
Just need to find a place to provide a live in carer for the second week as that runs up to Christmas. So have another company calling on Monday in the meantime just to see what they can do.

Got told if I pay for care myself then social services will pay me back when they've sorted out what I can have. Hmm. Not sure how I'll know what I can afford if I don't know what percentage I'll be reimbursed.
Might reduce the service to just personal care and I'll feed her. Then I might get away with hiring them for half an hour to 3/4 of an hour twice a day.

Had a call from the fire service who had been instructed by the social worker. She should be focusing on getting funding, not sending out firemen. We saw them last year during a door to door check.
Hard to remember who is calling when now that they're all building up. Time for more notes I think.

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