Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

How Many Summits has Arthur's Seat?

We were late for singing this morning, because I forgot my camera, and we had to go back for it. This did not put me ahead in the brownie points. 

Then I produced the list of things I had to do in town - go to library, buy thread, get Christmas crafty stuff, etc, etc. Nothing that was going to interest TM. So when I emerged from Hobbycraft, laden with cracker kits and paint palettes and a dozen other things destined to keep the grandchildren occupied in the run up to the Big Day, I thought I'd be pushing my luck if I mentioned that I needed to go looking for a photograph.

So today's effort is the somewhat distorted reflection of Arthur's Seat in the glass window of the entrance to Primark at Fort Kinnaird, just as the light was dying. 

It will be interesting to vote on  the entries for Abstract Thursday, as Ingeborg is having a well-earned holiday. 

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