An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Seeing double...


With Lola being at Shona's and no landscapers working, Ele and I were able to have a bit of a lie in.  It was lovely.  I didn't get downstairs till 11am!  Ele was having a cuppa in the kitchen when I surfaced.  Think she beat me downstairs by ten minutes.

Had a leisurely chat over our cuppas and added some toast.  After emptying and reloading the dishwasher and putting a washing on, we headed out the back door to see the garden from the outside for the first time.

What a difference opening the back door and finding the step gone.  Lovely level access straight onto a large section of astroturf fenced off on one side from the garden and on the other from the driveway.  A safe space for Lola to do her business that is accessible for me so I will be able to let her out when David isn't here.  Just a quick rinse with a bucket of warm soapy (and eco friendly) water once a week will keep it fresh.  Oh and the odd hoover apparently!  :-))

Turned and open the new gate into the side garden and I was blown away by what I saw.  The right hand side of the garden has been planted up but that's not really visible from the garden room so the impact really hit me.  More than that though was the size of the space.  It is so much bigger that I visualised it would be.  I was convinced there would only be about a third of the space left when we finished the build but it's at least half.

A wander revealed that so far we have a bay tree and clematis outside the gazeb , winter jasmine and honeysuckle inside a well as lavender, holly trees, ornamental conifers and other beautiful things that didn't have labels so I don't know what the are!  It all looks wonderful and only half of it has been planted.  I think we are going to be spending a lot of time in that garden.  Alan will absolutely love it! 

Carole (Lola's breeder) arrived with her sister Freya.  It's Freya in my blip.  She is absolutely gorgeous.  Darker than Lola and heavier (Lola is causing a little bit of concern at the moment as she's only eating about half of all her meals.  No sign of being under the weather though and happy to scoff training treats so maybe she's getting her additional calories though that) and I would say a bit calmer than Lola.

That said, she was a little hyper when she arrived but was just settling down when Shona arrived to return my like furry whirlwind.   Oh my, all hell broke loss.  Lola didn't even look in my direction.  Far more interested in her sister!  

They played quite roughly enthusiastically together until Freya, who lives with her mum and Carole's older Golden Mia, decided she'd had enough playing and just wanted to lie down and chill.  Lola, not used to living with other dogs, was having none of it.  Much more fun to be had!  She wouldn't give poop Freya a minute's peace.  Freya took it in good part and tried to tell Lola politely that enough was enough.  Lola was not good at taking the hint so Freya became a bit more forceful in getting her message across.  At this point we decided one of them should go for a walk in the garden to burn off some energy.  Ele took Lola out and I managed to get a cuddle with Freya and grab this photo of her.   

Carole left, Lola settled and calm was restored.  Alan avoided the mayhem as he'd gone to Perth to see the Christmas lights being switched on and enjoy the festivities.

Agnes arrived and it was pink wine and Prosecco time (not together :-)  Watched Strictly whilst eating dinner then feet up for a good old chinwag.  Lola was lovely, wanting to play then looking for cuddles.  So lovely to have her back.

I wasn't sure how she would behave at bedtime as it's normally David who gets her organised in her crate, but she went in without any problem as usual and was already snuggled into her blanket as I put the lights out.  

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