
By RetiredDBA

Priests, Piles and Parasites

Today I should have been exploring the lovely Langstrath valley and climbing both Eagle and Sergeant's Crags but unfortunately the weather caused a change in plans. Instead we walk to Alcock Tarn and then onto Heron Pike. The weather was really grim ... lashing rain and wind. Plan B was also curtailed so we dropped off the ridge before Great Rigg and dropped into Grasmere via Stone Arthur. A couple of new Wainwrights and seven miles walked which wasn't bad considering conditions.

In the evening we attended a Grange Lecture Society talk,  Priests, Piles and Parasites - Medical Mysteries from the Old Testament. A fascinating talk looking at the pathology of diseases and plagues that feature in the Old Testament to see what they would be diagnosed as today. The talk was given by a retired professor of forensic pathology from Sheffield University.

As an aside it seem we only won the battle of Waterloo because the French troops were late receiving the order to engage as Napoleon was being treated for piles!

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