
By MerlinJ


I've got a massive to do list today, so I got up early to get started and captured this sunrise through the trees over the valley behind our house. I'm delighted to get my blip in early, because I will now spend the day without being distracted by pursuing blipportunities

It is another beautifully clear and sunny day, despite rain being forecast. I think the clouds in this sunrise are the type that portend good weather, but I can't remember what they're called. I recently heard about "The Cloud Appreciation Society" - what a typically British eccentric idea, and at the same time, completely genius! Clouds are amazing - always perfect and always changing. I often find that clouds make good metaphors for life.

Here's hoping that whatever clouds you have in your day today are just perfect for you.

Have just looked it up on the Cloud Appreciation Society website - they're cirrostratus clouds.

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