Delight and Despair

I was delighted to find on seeing  Paladian's blip today that the green balls I'd saved  from a recent flower bouquet were the seedheads from a swans plant. It is otherwise known as balloonplant, balloon cotton-bush, bishop's balls or nailhead and is a species of Milkweed. I had been delighted as it dried to see the balls split and these seeds spill out, now knowing what they are I shall sow them! No Monarch butterflies here to devour them!
Otherwise this day saw me endure two panic attacks - the second one I was pulled out of by The Herbalist! I had emailed her after the first one to ask if I should reduce the tincture. The marvellous woman phoned me! Now that really is above and beyond service! I had emailed her as didn't want to disturb her weekend even though she had said to call her anytime. 
After her phonecall I was able to eat the pumpkin soup I had made earlier in the day but could not face, and sat down to watch Strictly. Blow me suddenly overcome with emotion and had to pause both my eating and Strictly to have a good cry. Strangely the words I spoke out loud were to My Friend. I felt like the trauma of being with her during the reallly bad times was now being acknowledged and released. I can cope with the tears but really could do without the panic attacks. Maybe seeing her daughter the previous day triggered them. They are frightening and exhausting and I just hope now I am releasing my tears they will stop. ASAP! 

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