From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

On the back of the door....

An extended daffodil bulb hunt today! We're late with these again. My gardener has been busy!! 

The garden centres we visited had sold out of bulbs so we succumbed to buying two pre-planted tubs and also some beautifully packaged bags of tulips, grape hyacinths and tete a tete Narcissus bulbs. Also some bright red cyclamen, trailing ivy and silver leaf cineraria for the tubs outside the kitchen window. So I can't complain really! I'll visit some online distributors too. It was within an hour of sunset when we got home for lunch, so all planting left for tomorrow. Coffee in Arthur's at Coolings was nice, and the plants there are so beautiful. 

This coat hook design in the Ladies made me smile. So appropriate for a garden centre, Those clever ideas always make me smile.So simple but so clever.  

This evening we've been watching Children in Need and been muchly moved. Reminded again of the Grenfell disaster and the children lost in and affected by that. D's borough for many years. 

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