Friday Excitement

Can life get more exciting than being in a position to wave to Matt Baker and the Rickshaw Challenge* team as it passed along Melville Drive in the half dark at 7:30 this morning as I was abroad checking the boundary of the marches? Please tell me it can.

Of course it can. Why, I have a banana loaf ** to bake later this morning. That adds a modicum of excitement because of the nail biting tension in wondering whether it will be a show stopping success or a complete soggy failure. I am an occasional baker with little success.

And how can the excitement of a wave from Matt Baker compare to the excitement of a mini drinks get together before supper with two renowned blippers who are on a whistle stop tour of Scotland?

* the Rickshaw challenge is a sponsored cycle ride for Children in Need from London to Glasgow with a team of children under the watchful eye of Matt Baker etc, taking it in turns to cycle the tricycle Rickshaw in which sits Pudsie Bear. Last night they reached Edinburgh and today they finish in Glasgow

***The blip is the banana loaf with just a little too much tan at the ends, but otherwise acceptable. There was almost too much excitement as I put a tsp of ground coriander into the flour instead of ground cinnamon, but realised my mistake in time and fished it out. I must make an appointment at Specsavers.

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