Falkirk lights

Team huddle this morning saw us welcome back a colleague who has been off work with a badly broken foot. And we saw a newly acquired puppy belonging to another colleague.
The office stopped for 5 minutes to coo over him: and the well-being of the team seemed greatly improved.

No time for lunch as off to Leith to chair a meeting on the joint digital programme. Then, after another discussion, back through rush hour traffic to Falkirk for a 7pm meeting. Made it with 5 minutes to spare.

The event was a local learning and development evening. It was well attended by Panel members in Falkirk. We split up into groups to discuss a number of set topics: contact, legal representation, the deeming of relevant persons , non- disclosure and so on. It was great for me to hear these first hand experiences which will help inform my discussions with partners.

In the bygoing I heard of a case where the initial hearing meetings were covered by the same 3 Panel members until the case was established at which point the continuity dropped to one Panel member from the previous hearing.

Then a quiz which, while light- hearted, tested knowledge and practice. I was pleased to find that I retained some of my training from a couple of years ago.

A few words of thanks then back down the road to be home by 10pm.

The blip is of the Provosts’ lamps outside the council buildings.

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