My son (4) leaves little pictures around the house for me to find. This was on the edge of my desk. It's me. I think he was constrained by the squareness of the post-it note. His pictures on A4 paper usually have a body as well as head and limbs, and the ones of his dad generally have an extra detail that is probably more anatomically accurate than necessary. If you're really good I might post one one day.
Slow start today, after a slow finish to yesterday. It turns out we have (had) two different types of Pedro Ximinez sherry in the house. So obviously a taste comparison was required. Tasting notes: Older is better, more cloying on the front of the palate but so much cleaner through the rest of the experience than the younger one. Both produce a profound morning feeling of not wanting to get out of bed.
Mr B's folks and aunt and uncle came over for dinner today and a fine time was had by all - especially me since Mr B and a German bakery did all the cooking.
A fine Sunday.
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