Plus ça change...

By SooB

The long walk home

Mr B was away in Fife today installing another of the many ventilation systems required by Building Control when you convert a building (they make you block up all the old fashioned Victorian ventilation that's worked fine for a hundred years, then install lots of ugly vents instead. And I do mean lots.)

In his absence I thought I'd better run the legs off the kids to ensure a quiet afternoon. We headed over to Tyningham to the big beach there (which I'd somehow missed on all our other trips over that way until it was pointed out by another blipper). Hard to miss really - acres of perfect sand with only an occasional other person on the far horizon - basically your classic East Lothian beach in winter!

After lots of sand castle building (them) and photographing waves (me) we took the long walk back to the car in search of lunch. This is the path back. Behind me is a very kind man who (unbeknownst to me) was quietly waiting for me to faff about with settings, while keeping up a continual commentary to the kids on what we'd have for lunch, which jigsaws we'd do and which movie I would be falling asleep in front of this afternoon. Very patient man. I do hope he wasn't there the whole time I was faffing.

Anyway, this picture is strongly reminding Mr B of a scene in a movie, probably a Harry Lime one, possibly a woman walking out of a cemetery? I'm being no help - can you help him out?

EDIT: found it!: The Third Man, final scene.

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