The squirrel is still winning...
Silly Saturday....
Squirrel 77
Me 0
And yet we are determined not to go the 100% squirrel proof route because that would also prevent the jays and flickers from getting a bite too..
My mom has been going through things.. knowing she will have a harder and harder time to maintain the house in about 5 years or more so the slow downsizing has begun.. Today I went through the stacks and stacks of cd's, vcd's, dvd+r, dvd-r. dvd-rw, and.. Much stuff had already been converted to digital so that stuff will go.. It was wonderful to see things we forgot about, the great times, and....
I even came across an interview I did back in high school. That person was the only person elected to the Washington State Legislature but they refused to seat him because of his political beliefs ..
I also was given something super special to me.. tomorrow's blip..
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