Bike Envy

Up early and got ready to cycle to the Blip cycle. Felt ok and met up with the carbon neutral travellers on the way. A brief stop to get changed and then we met up with all the other cyclists.

A cracking day in good company, I was slow but just kept going.

Stopped off in Boness to a couple of minutes. The Rangers supporter bus turned up, the drunks who could walk got on it while the ones who could not move entertained us. I fear that judging by the state of them more will not be getting on the bus. A Stirling effort at the football today.

Then I bonked on the hill out of Boness and could not find any energy at all. Luckily I had company and we helped each other one.

We got to the Forth Bridge again, I headed back home while the others headed for some grubb over the water. I struggled into Edinburgh and then home. I ate loads and drank loads, shattered.

Thansk everyone for a great day and your support on the route, this was the longest I have cycled.

Some food shopping tonight and then a dark night visit to the allotment to drop stuff off.

Sleep now.

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