Happy Daze

By Dazed

Rainbow Landings

This is J, of H & J, at the Rainbow Landings exhibit at Edinburgh Zoo today. The exhibit is full of Rainbow Lorikeets, really beautiful birds from Australia, and you can buy little pots of nectar which they will come and drink from. As well as not being a fan of large machinery I'm also completely wet when it comes to birds flying at my head. Even though I didn't have nectar and was just taking photos they all wanted to perch on my head - cue lots of ducking/muffled shrieking from me. The only other thing that I'm scared of is centipedes and millipedes. I have a valid reason for this though - when in Thailand many years ago a poisonous centipede ran up my inner thigh in the middle of the night and then bit me on the hand so I think that one's valid.

We had a great day wandering around the zoo (where Mr D and I got married almost four years ago fact fans) despite the cold and rain. I was spoilt for blips, including a great photo of a baboon showing us his wee willy winkie - but I decided to spare you that one!

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