There's a lot of nutters in the city??!!

We had a very strange experience a few days ago................... There I was, walking past some traffic lights, on my afternoon walk, when a woman in a black car started yelling out the window at us. We couldn't make out what she was saying so Ann told me to ignore her and keep walking. There's a lot of nutters in the city. But then the 'nutter' started peeping her horn and yelling, 'Is that collie called Tess'. At which point Ann realised that the 'nutter' was talking to me, not her. So Ann yelled back, 'No, this is Molly.'

Well, she immediately regretted saying that because then she thought that the 'nutter' could be a stalker who would google me, track me down and then kidnap me. …............But then the traffic lights turned to green and the nutter drove off. …..................But not before Ann had made a note of her car registration number. Obviously if the nutter was going to kidnap me Ann needed some evidence to give to the police.

Anyway, this afternoon I was trekking across Bruntsfield Links, on my walk, when I spotted a very handsome collie coming towards me. I went straight into my 'coy, aren't I the most gorgeous collie in the world', look. And do you know what happened?!!! 'Handsome boy collie' came bounding up to me for a good old sniff around me. I was quite happy to oblige – I'm such a tart!

To cut a very long story short......................... 'Handsome boy collie's' owner said to Ann, 'I think I yelled at you when I was at the traffic lights the other day'. And then she went on to explain that 'handsome boy collie' is in the process of getting it together with a little girl collie so that they can have puppies together. The owner of 'handsome boy collie' had not met the wife of the 'owner of the girl collie' (are you keeping up?) so when she saw me, she thought Ann was the wife of the owner of the girl collie.

Yes I know....................... it's complicated. …............BUT at least I now know that no one wants to kidnap me.

PS – 'Handsome boy collie' was absolutely gorgeous. If I hadn't been 'done' I would gladly have puppies with him. Lol!

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