Lizellens Lot

By lizellen

Tiny Silver eye or Wax Eye or Tauhou

I have just realised that I have hardly photographed this pretty little bird at all this year, yet there have been plenty around. In fact, in the annual garden bird survey  over the last 6 years, the silver eye has been rated as either first or second most common bird, competing for the title with the house sparrow. It is not surprising as they raise two to three broods each season.

They are inoffensive wee birds quite happy to be at the bottom of the pecking order. They are content to wait until the bigger birds have finished at the feeding station, and will quickly move out if a bigger bird arrives.

Hopefully, I have chosen the new curtains - it is the one I kept drifting back to, which seemed to be a good sign. The windows were measured today and I wait now for the quote. I hope it is not too big a shock.

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