It's A Good Thing

Works Fireworks Trip, leaving at 1645 we arrived an hour early to some not so friendly banter revolving around not being informed of the time change last year by our 'sister' branch and consequently arriving an hour late and missing the display. Having pointed out their inability to do much right we asked the big bloke if he could get the burgers on, turns out he was the 'enforcer' and he got even more annoyed.

Anyway the bonfire, with this years guys consisting of Trump and Kim Jong un astride a rocket was lit to oohs, aahs and suitable murmurs of appreciation. In the intervening hour before the impressive fireworks display I amused myself by watching two handed eating. Some of the crowd queued for a burger/hotdog, arriving at the front of the queue they left with a burger in one hand and a hot dog in the other, rejoined the queue and ate them as they moved to the front of the queue where they then obtained another free burger/hot dog combo. Some couples did it once, a couple twice but a particularly determined couple three times!

Fireworks over we left Liskeard at 8:30pm and arrived in Falmouth at 9:30pm.

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