Still Rocking The Boat (Or Bessie Redux)

Several days ago, I introduced you to my cantankerous friend Bessie.

As you may recall, she was on her way to be reunited with the artist who created her -- Robin Thew -- who is having a retrospective showing of her work at a gallery in southwestern Massachusetts.  Today, we drove there for the show's opening reception, and we were delighted to find Bessie reunited with the nasty, snarly little dog that originally accompanied her before she came to live with us! 

I'm also including a shot of one of the wonderful, whimsical paintings Robin is known for -- this one shows Noah's Ark departing, so packed with animals that there's no room for the poor dragon and unicorn! 

And here's my dear friend Katie introducing her amazing 92 year-old mom Robin at the show.  Don't they look fantastic!

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