The Electronic Ears

The radio show brings an odd cyclical stress to my week. On a good week, I'll have a pretty much finalised playlist sorted by Thursday, listen to it while I cook Friday evening, while I take Dan to and/or from work on Saturday, and make some notes while listening to it again on Saturday night. Then, on Sunday morning, fuelled by coffee and bagels, I record it for transmission that evening. 

That's a good week. There are weeks when I'm still putting together a playlist on Saturday and when I struggle to find twenty songs I can talk about and feel confident about playing. I mean, I can't just play anything. And there are weeks when I'm out on Friday or Saturday or both and I feel horribly unprepared. 

This week was not one of the good weeks. We were out at Soulla and The Viking's, last night, and I've just remembered Gibbzer asking the DJ if he had any Talking Heads ("Who?") and how we ended up dancing to 'This Must Be The Place': when will I stop dancing?! Anyway, back to the show, I had a swim, this morning, before heading home, went for breakfast with Charlie and Abi (Dan joining us later) and, in the end, it was four pm before I sat down to record #electronicears. 

First track, "The Architect' by Jane Weaver. Cracking start. The phone rang. It was a rare work interruption. Not our fault (good), looking to us for assistance (sub-optimal). To cut a long story short, the first half of the show was completed about an hour before transmission and the second half was finished while the first was already being broadcast. 

You can listen here and check the stress levels: part one, part two.

-14.8 kgs <-- This is what they call an outlier. (Outliar more like)
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