And so it begins .....

Eva has been asking for riding lessons for a while. I really wanted her to want to do it for herself and not push her into doing something that I love. So I left it a while and she kept asking so we agreed for her birthday she could have some lessons. Today was the first- hopefully of many.

She was very excited. It was the first thing she spoke about when she opened her eyes this morning. She came flying out of school. It was a rush to get her there and changed before 3.30pm but we made it. She absolutely loved it. She rode an awesome little pony called 'poetry' or 'po' for short. She learnt to start, stop, turn and had a go at rising trot too.

The instructor said she'd get more out of a group lesson as she can learn from the other kids too. There weren't any spaces when I rang originally, but he said some children had moved up so we've now got a group lesson space. Yay!

We had the farrier first thing for lime. Great timing as he was able to replace buddy's back shoe. There was no one to ride out with so I decided to be brave and take him on my own. He was brilliant. It took us a little while to get off the yard as there were fork lifts and a big lorry being loaded but no where near as bad last time. I kept really calm and just kept reassuring him and not rushing him, letting him have a good look and he didn't go backwards this time and I didn't need leading off the yard!!

Then I met some friends for lunch at the farm park for a quick catch up. Was really busy there.

Spent the evening carving pumpkins and marrows ready for tomorrow. Then after sorting bedtime, went to my yoga class. Ready for a big cup of tea now.

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