That's Life!

By Agan

Free Spirits . . .

We've got a host of deserted, and supposedly haunted, farms around Georgetown. Why so many? Blame the housing developers. We're right on the edge of Greater Toronto and much of the local farmland has been grabbed by the money men. Most of the land is still being worked, but some of the farms have been abandoned as the previous owners grabbed their loot and bolted off to the sunshine. . .

Some seem to have been so quick to get out that they left piles of possessions in the abandoned buildings, including this rusting bike leaned up against a deteriorating wall, surrounded by a mass of wood and junk . . .

Perhaps, when the sun goes in and the cold winds blow through the glassless windows and empty door frames, the ghosts line up for a ride around the block.

The bike's not called Free Spirit (See bigger image for name on bike) for nothing . . .

For another weird, earlier view of the farm, GO HERE

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