Colour me Beautiful

]Had a lovely morning ride with Wendy this morning.
Dropped the girls at school and then rode through the mist to meet her. Of course I could have blipped the mist but you know when you have taken a shot of something... you think you have captured the drama and the mystery , then you look at it when you get home and it looks like someone has smeared margarine on your lens....

Wendy captures the start of the day much better than me but this view was one that we both fell in love with , sadly we missed the jogger out of this shot, she was just to the left in her running gear having a fag. Would have been a great street photography shot.

So now I have described two shots that I haven't blipped, this is the one I did and I adore the colours and vibrancy. I may not have mentioned for at least a week but did you know that Yorkshire is chuffing brilliant.

Thanks for the ride Wendy and thanks for the help when we went bike shopping. Thanks in advance to whichever anonymous benefactor gifts me the Trek MTB that I am now drooling over. One can but dream...

Anyways I shall leave you with one of my favourite poems as it's National Poetry Day. For all you lovely ladies out there...

Warning. It always makes me smile and is more socially acceptable than the limerick about the man from Nantucket.

Yours Faithfully and with none ryhming couplets.
Me xx

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