The burn at Wasdale (Day 904)

We all had a very lazy morning, and the morning wander up the hill with the woofers was much easier in daylight.
A phone call from Mum reminded me of an imminent birthday and the need to get a card in the post, so my beautiful wife and I took a trip along to the Post Office. It has recently re-opened after being closed for 2 years, and the new postmaster is doing very well, greeting us by name every time we visit.
The lazy morning continued 'til an early lunch and a wander to Wasadale with the woofers. The weather wasn't great, with a gloomy grey sky and a stiff, cold wind. I liked the little series of waterfalls in the burn behind the big house.
Back home, HV zoomed off to work and I trundled to town to look at a bathroom re-fit I don't want to do.

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