Philosophy Friday

I've found myself thinking about time a lot recently, my interaction with it, my journey through it, my observations of it.
Einstein postulated that an object viewed in the three Euclidian dimensions we physically spend our life in, when seen from different positions in time, would in turn appear different, that the distance and time between events can vary when measured in different inertial frames of reference. In the 1950's this was seen as the recognition of a fourth dimension - now most theorists would accept a near infinite number of dimensions, most beyond our ability to comprehend.
But recently I've also been reading the work of Sorli & Fiscaletti where they hypothesise that time is not a dimension but rather the medium, or lens through which dimensional change is measured, effectively suggesting that time is altered by perception - much the way Einstein suggested events are altered by time.

My limited life learning sees merits in both - events I once knew the truth of now seem different with the passing of time. Others are so immutably welded into the fabric of my universe that I have to accept I don't have time in my three score and ten to escape their gravitational pull, yet all too often I'm reminded that to another observer they have at best a temporary sway - they are but a break in the stride of their own journey, a kink in their rainbow as it were.

Recently I've been encouraged to write more, which of course in turn means more reflecting, reviewing, revising, revisiting - the mind's own deeply distorted version of time travel. I think it's part of the human condition to look through the lens darkly, to shy from shining the brightest lights into our darkest places. But, and so much of the passing of time can be caught in that word, but when we do we oh so often glimpse another one of those dimensions. This week I've spoken with friends old and new, I've looked at tear stained pictures that have raised more than a smile, I've started to really learn things I thought I already knew. Time this week that I thought would drag has sped, transitory moments have held me for hours.

Sometimes we have all the time in the world. And then it is gone.

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